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Friday, May 29, 2015

More than 5 Months with Invisalign and Seeing Further Progress!

Today, I just wanted to point out that after speaking with other people who had regular metal braces before and hearing of their painful, unpleasant experiences, they were shocked to know that the Invisalign treatment I am having is COMPLETELY painless. There is no tightening of wires which they experienced nor hard pressures on the teeth. Everything with Invisalign is pain-free, convenient, yet effective and fast. I feel in control of the treatment since I need to ensure that I use the Invisalign aligners consistently. Compliance is key.

For me, the most difficult part of the Invisalign treatment was the first set of trays or aligners and those first 2 weeks. Looking back now, I wonder what I was uncomfortable about! With anything new, adjustments in time are made in order to feel more comfortable. After adjusting to speaking with the aligners, I've been feeling more confident and comfortable with them. Using them now is just like second nature to me and I don't worry about them anymore. I even forget that I'm wearing them most of the time and enjoy knowing that everyday I am a step closer to having the perfect smile.

I am definitely looking forward to these next 4 weeks of treatment and seeing further progress!

To learn more about Invisalign, you may also get more information from the Invisalign PH Team: www.invisalign.ph/patient-sign-up - Follow @invisalignph as well on Instagram and Twitter!

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